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  • Writer's picturePradeep P

Foundation – A brilliant medieval city builder

While browsing through Steam, had come across a indie game called Foundation. It was in Early access (still is at the point of writing this) but had a set of good reviews. Since I do enjoy games like Sim City, wanted to explore this one and hence purchased it (in June, 2020).

The game is quiet enjoyable once the pace picks up. You are provided with a few initial villagers who don’t need much. As the game picks up and you complete a set of initial objectives, more villagers start migrating in. And you get more and more objectives. You can pick berries for food initially but can then later unlock wheat farms, fishing huts, etc. that provide alternative sources of food. Similarly, initially, you can just gather wood and stone but are later allowed to gather a host of other resources like iron ore, gold ore, marble, quartz, etc.

You can promote the villagers. Once a villager is promoted, their demands go up. Initially they will be happy with just food and water. Then they want clothes and multiple types of food. Then they want some luxury items like honey, herbs, jewels, etc.

Since this is an Early access game, had a few bugs initially and also the amount of features are limited. I understand that the current game is about 60% of the full and final one that will be released in the future. This is from the game page on Steam:

I had stopped playing for a while in between but have now started again. I used to play for some time, stop and start over again and this used to take up a lot of time to come back to the fun stage in the game (create an army, send soldiers to help the king, mint money from their suffering 🙂 ) but now, I am sticking to one saved game. Each time, I just load up where I left off and continue. My current saved game is about 100 months old (I think I have been playing this one for about 20 hours).

My current game page in Steam:

The following are some screenshots. I hope you purchase the game and play. It is a very nice one indeed. Looking forward to the day it releases fully and I get to explore more new things in it.


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